Dzikamai Bere

experience on human rights, transitional justice and conflict transformation. He is the current National Director for the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) and Deputy Chairperson of the National Transitional Justice Working Group in Zimbabwe (NTJWG).

Prior to his current assignments, Dzikamai worked as the Programmes Co-ordinator at the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (the Forum) and the Co-ordinator of the National Transitional Justice Working Group (NTJWG).

Dzikamai holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Solusi University, Bachelor of Laws from University of University of South Africa and a Masters in Peace and Conflict Transformation from Swisspeace Academy.

Dzikamai is based in Harare Zimbabwe, where he continues to work on various interventions aimed at activating citizen participation in democratic process, enhancing the leadership capacities of civil society in Zimbabwe and promote dialogue on healing and reconciliation. He is also a Transitional Justice Fellow with the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation.