The Politics of Memory

This course will explore the theory and practice of memory politics in South Africa.

Speakers from the Unfinished Business of the TRC Programme, Foundation for Human Rights and the Justice and Transformation Programme, University of Cape Town.

Includes a visit to the Castle of Good Hope.

Introduction to Transitional Justice

This course will explore the field of transitional justice in Africa. Since South Africa’s transition from apartheid, African states have prominently featured as sites of transitional justice practice in the areas of criminal justice, truth commissions, reparations and institutional reform.

Justice in Africa: Women, Peace, Security

This course is offered in collaboration with ACCORD and is intended to provide a critical reading of the women, peace and security framework in Africa. It has four key objectives: (1) interrogating the international and continental frameworks on WPS, (2) exploring the specific challenges facing the WPS framework in Africa and (3) identifying the role of women’s civil society in promoting peace on the continent (4) presenting policy relevant research on the WPS agenda.

Justice in Africa: Addressing Historic Abuses in South Africa

This course is offered in collaboration with the Foundation for Human Rights. It explores the ongoing advocacy for truth, reparations, criminal accountability and memorialisation in South Africa.